martes, 1 de mayo de 2012

Save a Fighter Pilots Ass.-

Halleluia Halleluia
throw a nickel on the grass, save a fighter pilot's ass
Halleluia Halleluia
throw a nickel on the grass & you'll be saved.

I was cruising down the Yalu, doin' 6 & 20 per
when a call came from the Major, "oh won't you save me, sir
got 3 flak holes in my wingtips & my tanks ain't got no gas
mayday mayday mayday, I got 6 MIGs on my ass".

I shot my traffic pattern, & to me it looked alright
the air speed read 130, I really racked it tight
then the airframe gave a shutter, the engine gave a wheeze
"mayday mayday mayday, spin instructions please".

It was Split-S on my bomb run, & I got too Goddamned low
but I pressed that bloody button, & I let those babies go
sucked the stick back fast as blazes when I hit a high speed stall
now I won't see my mother, when the works all done next fall.

Then they sent me down to PyongYang, the brief said "no ack ack"
by the time that I arrived there, my wings was mostly flak
then my engine coughed & sputtered, it was too cut up to fly
"mayday mayday mayday, I'm too young to die".

I bailed out from the Saber, & the landing came out fine
with my E & E equipment, I made for our front line
then I opened up my ration, to see what was in it
the Goddamned Quartermaster, why he filled the tin with grit.

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