sábado, 26 de mayo de 2012

STARLite Small Tactical Radar.-

Weighing just 65 pounds, the AN/ZPY-1 STARLite compact SAR/GMTI/DMTI radar system is ideal for equipping a variety of manned and unmanned aerial system platforms for mission-critical tactical reconnaissance. The system is capable of conducting all-weather, wide area surveillance and detecting stationary, dismounted and moving targets.

STARLite is now under contract to the U.S. Army Communications and Electronics Command for its MQ-1C Gray Eagle UAS program. It has also been installed on the U.S. Army Persistent Threat Detection System (PTDS) aerostat, and is scheduled to begin testing in 2011 on the RQ-7 Shadow UAS. STARLite is compatible with a standard ground control station to maximize flexibility and minimize training and logistics requirements.

The radar provides two SAR modes: Strip and Spot. In Strip mode, the radar imagery is either parallel to the aircraft flight vector or along a specified ground path independent of the aircraft flight path. In Spot mode, the radar produces a high resolution image at a specific geographic patch.

In GMTI mode, the radar provides moving target locations overlaid on a digital map. In DMTI mode, the system tracks the movement of individuals.

STARLite builds on Northrop Grumman's experience in creating the proven AN/ZPQ-1 Tactical Endurance Synthetic Aperture Radar (TESAR), which was deployed on the U.S. Air Force Predator UAV and the Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Radar (TUAVR).

By providing precise battlefield intelligence in all types of weather and in battlefield obscurants, day and night, STARLite significantly improves battlefield situational awareness and optimizes force maneuver and engagement for mission success.

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