viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013

Fotos para la historia.-

Photo By USAF.
"Operation Teapot" F-84 Pilots of 4926th Test Squadron, Indian Springs AFB, 1955.

Operation Teapot was a series of fourteen nuclear test explosions conducted at the Nevada Test Site in the first half of 1955. The aims of the operation were to establish military tactics for ground forces on a nuclear battlefield, and to improve the nuclear weapons used for strategic delivery.

Operación Teapot

2 comentarios:

  1. Tayun:

    Transcribo unos párrafos de uno de los artículos cuyos enlaces adjunto un poco más abajo:

    "...Detonation. Shards of brilliant light penetrated all the protective devices and severely pained my eyes for a few seconds. As the brilliance faded, I could see the bones in my hands. Suddenly I began to feel as if millions of long, hot needles were shooting through my body.

    We did not have fire-resistant garb; I was wearing only a lightweight flightsuit. When I pushed the goggles up, instead of seeing the light fading the way it had in previous blasts, I had the horrible sensation of being on fire..."

    No me extraña la carita del piloto (" te preocupes, hombre, sólo es una bombita de unos pocos kilotones...")
    Mis inevitables enlaces (de la por otra parte altamente recomendable, IMHO, Air&Sapce):
    Enlace 1: Nuke the pilot:
    Enlace 2: Into the mushroom cloud:
    Enlace 3: Nukes vs. airplanes:

    Desde luego, hay qué ver qué cosas tan raras hacen los pilotos de pruebas...hay gente pa tó.

    Un abrazo.

  2. Jajaja, Sí.

    Interesantes enlaces, gracias.
